7 Tips for Installing a Water Bore
Thinking of installing a water bore but you don’t know where to start? Installing a water bore is a reliable and sustainable solution. Water bore provides for a variety of purposes, such as for drinking, irrigation use, and livestock water fulfilment needs. From Rockingham to Mandurah, our team ensures a quality installation for water bore. We offer bore pump installation for both residential and commercial needs. Having a water bore is like having access to unlimited water supply.
Also, don’t confuse clean drinking water with bore water. If you are thinking of using bore water for drinking purposes, treat it with disinfectants first. Untreated bore water can cause life-threatening illness as it carries dangerous bacteria and parasites. In this blog, we are going to answer all your queries related to installation of water bore.
Before installing a water bore, read out all the instructions and ensure your safety. Submersible Bore Pumps are used at different places such as power plants, factories, water treatment plants, etc. Therefore, during installation make sure that these water bores are placed securely in the desired location. Choose a wide space for installing a water bore.
Choose a semi-dry area so that the water remains in the well and doesn’t dry up. There will be an extra load on the motor which will further cause it to produce more heat which can damage the water bore.
- Install a refill system with your bore
You must have heard somewhere that over the years of consistent use, bore water can run out. While it is true, the other related fact that people tend to overlook is that it takes several years before it runs out. If you are afraid about bore water running out, you can install a refill system with your bores. This ensures lifelong supply of water. Also, obtain a licence for your water bore. Obtaining a licence prevents you from over exploiting water resources.
- Check for wear and tear
Regularly check for any broken parts that might affect your water supply. See if there is any sand or grime present in pipe or in suction line fittings. This can lead to damage to the seal of the surface. All the parts such as ball-bearing and pump shaft wobbles can cause overheating, if damaged. Also, avoid frequently turning the pump on and off.
- Keep an eye on voltage fluctuations
Extreme voltage fluctuations can decrease the efficiency of water bores. There is a predefined submersible water bore current, see if the current passes through it should not be below than 10% and above than 20% . If it ever happens, turn off the power switch immediately.
If your water bore remains unused for a longer period of time, consider turning it on at least for 5–10 minutes once a week.
- Create an extra protection for your water bore
Grounding is an essential step for submersible water bores to protect us during its use. If there is any kind of leakage, it can cause electrical shocks to humans or animals around it. Therefore, install a fuse for better protection. The fuse will act as a barrier between the transformer and the electrical wiring. In case of high power jumps, the fuse can automatically cut down the supply of power and save us from any mishappenings.
Don’t get in the habit of turning on and off your water bore as this leads to motor damage. Once you’ve switched it on, wait for it to finish storing it up.

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- Maintain your water bores
Maintaining your water bores is crucial for its proper functioning. Overtime, the bores can get clogged with dirt and debris, and if left untreated the bores can actually reduce the flow of water or in extreme cases it might stop working. If you are not using your water bore regularly, clean it with clear water to wipe off any mud or dirt.
Schedule a maintenance repair with a skilled professional to make sure that the installed water bore is in a working condition and continues to provide you with fresh water.
- Choose a desired location
Installing a water bore requires you to drill deep at least for 60m. An additional advantage of submersible water bores is that it can be installed at your desired place. We at Swell Irrigation, evaluate the area and then recommend how much depth is required.
Installing a water bore is one of the best ways to ensure unlimited water supply for you and your family. Keep in mind to hire a licensed professional to do this process for you. With over 13 years of experience, our team of professionals take pride in providing quality water bore installation. We make this installation completely hassle free for you and we also guide you through the process of maintaining your water bores.
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